Updating Your Etsy Account Email

Learn how to easily change your email address linked with your Etsy account with this straightforward guide, perfect for keeping your seller profile up-to-date.”

Etsy provides a vibrant marketplace for creative entrepreneurs to share their unique items with the world. Keeping your account information up-to-date, especially your email address, is crucial for managing your shop effectively and staying connected with customers. Here’s how you can effortlessly update your email address on Etsy:

Why Changing Your Email Address is Important?

Your email address is a crucial part of your Etsy account. It serves as your primary means of communication with Etsy and other users. Changing your Etsy email address can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Firstly, updating your contact information ensures that you receive important notifications regarding your shop, orders, and other Etsy-related updates.

Secondly, changing your email address can enhance the security of your account. By regularly changing your email address, you can protect yourself from potential hacking attempts and unauthorized access to your Etsy account. Lastly, using a different email address can help you separate your personal and professional activities, especially if you have multiple Etsy shops or are using your Etsy account for both personal and business purposes.

Benefits of Regularly Updating Your Etsy Email Address

Regularly updating your email address on Etsy comes with several benefits. Here are a few advantages of keeping your email address up to date:

1. Improved communication

By using an active and updated email address, you ensure that you receive important notifications, messages, and updates from Etsy. This helps you stay informed about your shop, orders, and any changes or promotions within the Etsy community.

2. Enhanced account security

Changing your email address periodically can help protect your Etsy account from potential hacking attempts or unauthorized access. By regularly updating your email address, you reduce the risk of someone gaining access to your account and personal information.

3. Separation of personal and professional activities

Using a different email address for your Etsy account helps separate your personal and professional activities. This can be particularly useful if you have multiple Etsy shops or if you use your Etsy account for both personal and business purposes. Having a dedicated email address for your Etsy account helps keep your communications organized and focused.

4. Consistent branding

By updating your email address to reflect your Etsy business or brand, you maintain a consistent and professional image across all communications. This helps reinforce your brand identity and can instill trust and confidence in your customers.

Best Practices for Choosing a New Etsy Email Address

When choosing a new email address for your Etsy account, it’s important to consider a few best practices to ensure optimal functionality and professionalism. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Use a professional email address

Opt for an email address that reflects your Etsy business or brand, rather than using a personal email address. A professional email address helps convey a sense of credibility and professionalism to your customers.

2. Consider a separate email address for Etsy

If you have multiple email addresses, consider using a separate email address exclusively for your Etsy account. This helps keep your personal and professional communications separate and organized.

3. Choose a reliable email provider

Select a reputable email provider with reliable service and strong security measures. Popular options include Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail.

4. Keep it simple and easy to remember

Avoid using complex or hard-to-remember email addresses. Opt for something simple and easy to type, as it will make it easier for customers and potential buyers to reach out to you.

5. Use a unique password

When creating a new email address or updating your existing one, ensure that you use a strong, unique password. This helps protect your account from unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

Guide to Updating Your Email on Etsy

Changing the email linked to your Etsy account is a straightforward process that ensures you stay in the loop with customer inquiries, order updates, and important notifications from Etsy. To ensure seamless communication and maintain the security of your account, keeping your email address up-to-date on Etsy is crucial.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Your Account after signing in at Etsy.com. Then click on Account settings.
  2. In the Email section, type in your new email address.
  3. Click Change Email.
  4. Enter the security code sent to your current email in the pop-up window.
  5. Hit Submit.

Please note: You must wait 24 hours before making another change should further updates be needed. If access to your previous email is lost or problematic: Get Support From Etsy.

Etsy’s Account Settings

Switching Emails Across Multiple Etsy Accounts

An email can only be associated with one Etsy account at a time, but here’s how you can switch things around:

  1. For an old account, change its email to a secondary one you won’t use elsewhere.
  2. Update your active account’s email to the one you prefer.

Even if an account is closed, its email won’t immediately be available for reuse:

  1. First, reopen that account.
  2. Follow the previously mentioned steps to change the email.
  3. Finally, set your active account’s email to the one you desire.

Note: Closing an account does not automatically free up the associated email address for immediate use on a different account.

Reopen Your Etsy Account

Managing Your PayPal Email as an Etsy Seller

For sellers who use their own PayPal accounts, remember that updating your Etsy account email does not automatically update your PayPal information. To keep your finances flowing without interruption:

  1. Log into Etsy.com and head over to Shop Manager and then to Finances.
  2. Visit Payment Settings.
  3. Click on Edit and input your new PayPal email address.
  4. Look out for a security code sent by Etsy via email.
  5. Input this code back in Payment Settings to finalize the change.

By taking these steps, you ensure that your transactions continue smoothly with the updated PayPal details.

Etsy Shop Manager's Payment Settings

Tips For Keeping Your Etsy Account Secure After Updating Your Email

Changing your email address on Etsy is an important step towards enhancing the security of your account. To further protect your Etsy account, consider implementing the following security measures:

1. Enable two-factor authentication

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Etsy account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a verification code in addition to your password when logging in.

2. Use a strong, unique password

Ensure that your Etsy account password is strong, unique, and not used for any other online accounts. Avoid using common passwords or easily guessable combinations.

3. Beware of phishing attempts

Be cautious of emails or messages that appear to be from Etsy but ask for your login credentials or personal information. Etsy will never ask you to provide sensitive information through email or messaging platforms.

4. Regularly review your account activity

Monitor your Etsy account activity regularly and report any suspicious or unauthorized activity to Etsy support immediately.

5. Keep your devices secure

Make sure your devices, including your computer, smartphone, and tablet, are protected with up-to-date antivirus software and secure passwords.

Common Troubleshooting Tips For Etsy Shop Email Address

While changing your Etsy email address is a relatively simple process, you may encounter some common issues along the way. Here are a few troubleshooting tips to help you overcome any challenges:

1. Verification email not received

If you don’t receive the verification email from Etsy, check your spam or junk folder. Sometimes, email providers mistakenly mark Etsy emails as spam. If you still can’t find the email, return to the email settings page on Etsy and click on the “Resend verification email” link.

2. Email address already in use

If you receive an error message stating that your new email address is already in use, it means that another Etsy account is already associated with that email address. Consider using a different email address or contact Etsy support for further assistance.

3. Trouble logging in with a new email address

After changing your email address, make sure to log out of your Etsy account and log back in using your new email address and password. If you encounter any issues logging in, click on the “Forgot password?” link on the login page to reset your password.

4. Email delivery issues

If you are not receiving Etsy notifications or emails to your new email address, check your email account’s spam or junk folder. Additionally, ensure that your email provider is not blocking emails from Etsy or marking them as spam. You may need to add Etsy’s email address to your contacts or whitelist to ensure proper delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Changing Etsy Email Address:

1. Can I change my Etsy email address multiple times?

Yes, you can change your Etsy email address multiple times. However, keep in mind that each change requires verification and may temporarily disrupt your access to your Etsy account.

2. Do I need to update my email address for every Etsy shop I own?

No, you only need to update your email address once in your Etsy account settings. The change will apply to all the Etsy shops associated with your account.

3. Can I use the same email address for multiple Etsy accounts?

No, each Etsy account requires a unique email address. If you have multiple Etsy accounts, make sure to use a different email address for each account.

4. Can I change my email address on the Etsy mobile app?

Yes, you can change your email address on the Etsy mobile app. Simply navigate to the account settings section and follow the same steps mentioned earlier in this guide.

5. What should I do if I forget my new email address after changing it?

If you forget your new email address, try logging in with your old email address and password. Once logged in, you can go to your account settings and view or update your new email address.

Final Thoughts:

Congratulations on successfully updating your email address on Etsy! This small yet crucial step reflects your commitment to keeping your online store in top-notch shape. Remember, Etsy is more than just a marketplace; it’s a dynamic platform where adaptability is key. Embrace change, stay engaged, and watch your Etsy venture thrive. Here’s to your ongoing success and seamless experiences on the Etsy marketplace. Happy selling!


The Complete Guide to Updating Your Email on Etsy for Sellers
How often can I change my email address on Etsy?
You are allowed to change your email address on your Etsy account once every 24 hours. restriction is in place to maintain security and integrity of your account information.
What should I do if I no longer have access to the email associated with my Etsy account?
If you've lost access to your old email, you can request assistance from Etsy's support team. They will guide you through the process of updating your contact details without access to your previous email.
Can an email address be used for more than one Etsy account at a time?
No, an individual email address can only be linked to one Etsy account at any given time. If you wish to use the same email for another account, you'll need to first change it on the current one.
If I close my Etsy shop, will my email immediately become available for use on another account?
Closing an Etsy shop does not free up the associated email address instantly. To reuse that email, you must reopen the closed account and then update its contact information before attaching it to a new or different account.
After updating my Etsy account's email, do I also need to update my PayPal info separately?
Yes, changing your Etsy account's email does not automatically update your PayPal details. You must log in separately into PayPal and edit your profile with the new preferred email address there as well.