Using Etsy Stats for Business Growth

Explore insights from our detailed guide on using Etsy stats effectively, enhancing the performance and sales of your online store.

Understanding your Etsy shop’s performance is crucial for growth, and one of the best ways to do this is by utilizing Etsy Stats. This tool allows you to understand how your shop is performing, identify where your traffic originates from, and determine how shoppers interact with your listings. For those new to Etsy Stats, familiarize yourself with its glossary of terms first.

Accessing Your Etsy Stats

Start reviewing your Etsy stats by:

  1. Navigate to and click on the Shop Manager tab.
  2. Click on Stats.
Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Dashboard

How to Check Your Key Metrics?

The metrics overview provides a snapshot of your shop-level data which includes:

  • Visits: This indicates the number of people who visited your shop or viewed your listings.
  • Orders: This metric reflects the total number of orders placed in your shop (does not account for the number of items sold).
  • Revenue: Calculated as the total sales from all orders minus shipping and tax costs.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of visitors to your shop that make an order. It is calculated as Conversion Rate = Number of Orders / Number of Visits. Your conversion rate is a crucial metric for business growth and can be influenced by factors such as photo quality, pricing, reviews, listing titles and descriptions, and shipping & return policies.

Select various time periods for viewing stats from November 2017 onwards using the dropdown at the top of the page. If your shop has been active for over a year, toggle Compare to previous period to compare current data against last year’s statistics. Each metric displays trends based on the selected time period when clicked on. Unsure about what each metric signifies? Learn more about them here.

View Metrics on Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Page

Visits vs Views

Visits refer to the number of people who browsed your shop or listings, while views indicate the total number of times each listing was viewed.

For instance, if a shopper found your listing through a search and then viewed five other listings, it would count as one visit and six listing views. Learn how to use stats to track visits here.

Frequency of Visit Updates

Visits data is refreshed several times throughout the day to filter out bot traffic and collate visit data. The last refresh time can be seen at the top of the page.

Lowered Visit Numbers by Day End

Bot traffic is filtered out again at day end which may reduce your visit count.

How Shoppers Discover Your Shop

This section breaks down where shoppers who visited your shop came from. It differentiates between traffic brought by Etsy through Etsy search, Etsy app & other Etsy pages, and Etsy marketing & SEO versus traffic you brought from other sources such as Direct & other traffic, Social media, Etsy Ads, and Offsite Ads.

Arrows next to each source’s visits show changes over the selected time period. Clicking on a source reveals more details about its origin.

Various Traffic Sources

To maximize your shop’s performance, it’s essential to understand where your traffic is coming from. Etsy Stats offers insights into various traffic sources:

Etsy Shop’s Traffic Sources
  • Etsy Search: This refers to visits from people searching on Etsy. It doesn’t include visits from Etsy Ads promoted in Etsy search or search traffic in the Etsy app. You can also see what search terms people are using to find your listings.
  • Etsy App and Other Etsy Pages: This metric tracks visits from people browsing the Etsy App or on pages on (excluding Etsy search). App pages include visits to your listing or shop through any page of the app, including from Etsy search, favorites, and Etsy Ads clicked in the app. Other pages on include category pages, home page, Editors’ Picks, favorites, forums, etc.
  • Etsy Marketing & SEO: These are visits generated through Offsite Ads on Google and Bing or search engine optimization efforts by Etsy to drive more traffic to your shop from external channels.
  • Etsy Ads: This refers to visits coming from ads in search results on It doesn’t include visits from ads run through the Etsy app or Offsite Ads. All activities related to the app are included under the “Etsy app and other Etsy pages” traffic source.
  • Offsite Ads: Offsite ads account for visits driven by advertisements placed on external websites like Google and Facebook. You can click ‘Orders from Offsite Ads’ for more details.
  • Social Media: Visits that originate from social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc., either through your personal accounts or organic sharing. This also includes traffic coming via Offsite Ads run on these platforms.
  • Advertising: The ‘Advertising’ category encapsulates visits originating from ads in both -Etsy search results as well as Google searches. Note that it does not include traffic derived from ads within the Etsy app; those metrics appear under “Etsy app and other Etsy pages.”
  • Direct & Other Traffic: This includes visitors who directly typed your shop URL into their browser, bookmarked your page, clicked a link in an email or instant message, and followed a link from a blog post/news article/other website that directed them to your shop. Understanding these routes can provide insights into other potential channels for expanding your reach.

Understand what each traffic source implies here.

Advertising Clicks vs Ad Visits

Your Etsy ad clicks may not always match with ad visits due to:

  • Ad clicks count individual clicks on your ad, whereas visits count the number of unique visitors within a 30-minute window.
  • In the How Shoppers Found You section, Etsy Ads doesn’t include visitors who accessed your shop through ads on the Etsy app.

How Can I Use Stats to Understand Visits On My Shop?

Understanding visits and what they mean for your shop can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and areas for improvement.

Interpreting Visits

Visits represent individual customers who enter your virtual store. Each visit you receive is an opportunity for a sale, similar to how each customer entering a physical boutique represents a potential purchase.

Don’t be alarmed if the number of visits is lower than views on your Etsy stats. Since visits represent unique shoppers rather than every page they view, it’s normal for the number of visits to be less than the total views.

Using Data to Enhance Your Shop

Comparing visits with other metrics like views and revenue can help identify how shoppers are navigating through your shop.

  • Compare Visits to Views: This comparison helps understand customer engagement levels. If the numbers are similar, it might indicate that customers are visiting but not exploring multiple pages.
  • Compare Visits to Orders: This comparison helps calculate how much traffic you require to make a sale or determine your conversion rate.
  • Yearly Comparisons: Compare current stats with the previous year’s data (if applicable) to spot any significant trends or changes in shopper behavior.

Insights into Your Listings

The Listings tab allows you an overview of which listings are viewed most frequently and which ones generate sales most often.

Data here can help determine which products bring the most visits and sales; consider promoting such listings more on social media or elsewhere. Also, consider retiring or revamping items with very low views or sales so as to focus more on top-performing listings. Buyers visit your top-viewed listings for a reason and use that information to turn those visits into sales

Identifying Search Terms Used by Shoppers

Click on Etsy search under How Shoppers Found You to view search terms used by shoppers to find your listings.

Understanding Offsite Ads Attribution

Etsy’s Offsite Ads attribute orders to your shop under specific conditions. If a buyer clicks an offsite ad promoting your listing and makes a purchase from your shop within 30 days, the order(s) will be associated with that ad. However, you are only charged when a shopper clicks on an ad for one of your listings and completes a purchase from your shop. In instances where a shopper clicks on an ad for your item but doesn’t complete the purchase within 30 days, or if they make purchases from another seller’s items advertised in an ad, no fee is levied.

Review how orders are attributed to offsite ads in detail on your Offsite Ads dashboard. The dashboard includes:

  • The clicked-on ad/listing
  • When the buyer clicks the ad
  • The channel or website clicked through by the buyer
  • The listing(s) purchased after clicking the ad
  • Order number and date of purchase
View Offsite Ad Stats on Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Page

Analyzing Your Listings’ Performance

Discover how many shoppers viewed and ordered from your listings by clicking All Listings to choose what type of listing (like expired or sold-out ones) you wish to view. Each listing displays its:

  • Views
  • Favorites
  • Orders
  • Revenue

Click on any metric to order your listings accordingly. For more detailed insights into specific listing performance, click on individual items. Note: only active listings appear in this list. Listing views update in real-time.

View Your Listings Performance on Etsy Shop Manager’s Stats Dashboard

Timezone for Stats Display

Hourly stats from today, yesterday, or the past two days are reflected in your local time zone while all other time frames are shown in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can adjust this by clicking Update time zone at the bottom of Explore your data. We value your feedback on shop Stats. Feel free to let us know if you have any input.

How Can Etsy Stats Help Boost Your Social Media Traffic?

Your stats can offer valuable insights that allow you to make more informed decisions about where best to spend your time when it comes to social media marketing.

Prioritize Your Time with Social Media

The ‘Social Media’ section of your stats shows how many visits your shop receives from different social platforms, and which ones are driving the most traffic. This data can guide you in deciding where to focus your social media promotional efforts.

Rather than trying to master every single social media channel, focus on the platform that brings in the most traffic and explore ways you could drive even more traffic from there.

Invest Where It Counts

Investing time and money into a network that resonates with your customers will have the biggest payoff for your brand. Paid advertising on certain platforms might also boost your following and help reach new potential customers. For instance:

  • If Instagram is driving significant traffic, switch to a free Instagram business account for access to additional follower stats and insights into post engagement.
  • If Facebook is attracting active customers, consider using Facebook ads to boost visibility.
  • Pinterest promotions might be beneficial if they are popular among followers.

Building Your Following

If you wish to see an increase in visits from social media, there are several strategies available:

  • Use Relevant Hashtags: On networks such as Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr, hashtags aid users in discovering posts. Incorporate tags specific and relevant to what you’re sharing.
  • Spread The Word: Include links to your social media channels wherever potential customers might interact with your brand – like the ‘About’ section of your Etsy shop, email newsletters or business cards.
  • Partner up with Influencers: Collaborating with an influencer whose followers and aesthetic align with yours can help expand your following.

For best results, you may need to adjust your social media strategy over time as your audience grows. Keep an eye on trends in your traffic from social media so you can refine and improve your strategies. Boosting social media traffic using stats can be learned here.

Need Assistance with Shop Stats?

You can always Ask the Community for additional support and guidance.

Wrapping Up:

In conclusion, Etsy Stats is a powerful tool for every Etsy seller. By understanding and leveraging the wealth of data it offers, you can make informed decisions that enhance your shop’s performance and drive sales. From identifying where your traffic comes from to analyzing how shoppers interact with your listings, the insights provided by Etsy Stats can be instrumental in shaping a successful selling strategy. Remember, data-driven decisions are often the most effective ones. Harness the power of Etsy Stats and watch as it transforms your shop into a thriving online business. Happy selling!


How to Use Etsy Stats to Enhance Your Online Store Performance
What is the difference between visits and views in Etsy Stats?
In Etsy Stats, visits refer to the unique individuals who viewed your shop or listings, while views denote the total times a listing has been viewed. For example, if one shopper lands on a listing and subsequently views five other listings, that counts as one visit but six views.
How are offsite ads attributed to orders in my Etsy shop?
Offsite Ads are attributed to your shop's orders when a buyer clicks on an ad for one of your listings and completes a purchase within 30 days. You will only be charged if a shopper clicks the ad and makes a purchase from your shop within this period. If they click but don't buy, or if they buy an item featured in another seller's ad, you won't have to pay any advertising fees.
How can I track which listings shoppers view most frequently?
By using the 'Shoppers viewed your listings' feature within Etsy Stats, you can monitor how many customers view and order each of your listings. This feature allows you to see data for each individual listing including its views, favorites, orders, and revenue.
Why do my visit numbers decrease by day’s end in Etsy Stats?
The decrease in visit numbers by day’s end occurs due to a second round of bot traffic filtering implemented by Etsy at day's end which helps ensure that the data reflects actual shopper traffic rather than bot-generated activity.
Are my hourly stats displayed according to my local time zone?
Yes! Hourly stats from today, yesterday or two days ago are displayed according to your own time zone settings in Etsy. All other time frames are shown in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), but you can adjust this setting to your local timezone if needed.