Using Etsy's Search Analytics

Discover how to optimize your store with our detailed guide on using Etsy's Search Analytics.

Search Analytics is a powerful tool by Etsy that provides insights into how potential buyers discover your shop through their search on It outlines which search queries are driving traffic to your shop and how many sales are generated from these searches. Currently in beta, the tool continues to evolve based on user feedback.

Note: Please be aware that traffic data from Etsy Ads is not included in Search Analytics.

The Significance of Etsy’s Search Analytics for Sellers

Etsy’s Search Analytics plays a pivotal role for sellers aiming to optimize their listings and boost sales. By interpreting your search data, you can discern trends, patterns, and opportunities to enhance your listings. Here’s why Etsy Search Analytics is an indispensable tool:

1. Identifying High-Performing Keywords

Through analysis of search terms shoppers use to discover your listings, high-performing keywords can be identified. These keywords can then be employed to optimize your listings further.

2. Improving Click-Through Rates (CTR)

By studying your Click-Through Rates, you can identify which listings are receiving the most clicks. You can then refine titles, tags, and images on these listings to improve the click-through rate.

3. Boosting Conversion Rates

Analyzing your conversion rate can reveal which listings are most successful in converting shoppers into buyers. This information allows you to fine-tune those specific listings further in order to increase conversion rates.

4. Monitoring Progress Over Time

By keeping a close eye on your search data over time, you’re able to track progress and assess how effectively optimizations are impacting search performance.

How to Access and Utilize Search Analytics

To start using this valuable resource, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the Shop Manager icon.
  3. Navigate to Marketing.
  4. Select Search Analytics.
  5. Choose the timeframe you wish to analyze: specific days, months, or entire years are available.
  6. Examine your Search Analytics results.
View Search Analytics on Etsy Shop Manager’s Marketing Settings

Understanding Your Sales Drivers

In the chosen timeframe, you can review key factors influencing your sales:

  • Shop Visits: The number of browse sessions on your shop during this period
  • Sales Conversion Rate: The percentage of visits resulting in an order
  • Average Order Value: The mean value of orders placed by shoppers visiting your store
  • Total Earnings: The gross revenue generated from customers placing orders in this period

If your shop has been active for at least one year, you can compare current data with the corresponding timeframe from last year.

Etsy Sales Main Drivers

Deciphering Search Queries Leading to Your Listings

Underneath the section titled ’Your listings appeared in # searches', you’ll find specific search queries that led people to your listings along with relevant data:

  • Search Query: The exact term someone used to search on that led to your listings.
  • Impressions: The number of times shoppers saw your listings for this particular query.
  • Position: The average ranking your listings hold in the search results for this query.
  • Visits: Total browse sessions in your shop initiated through this search query.
  • Visit per Impression Ratio: Percentage of times a person viewed your listing and visited your shop after seeing it in the search results.
  • Orders: Count of orders placed by customers who discovered your shop via this specific query.
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of visits starting from this query that ended up in a sale.
  • Revenue: Gross earnings derived from orders placed by customers who found you through this specific query. This is the total revenue for the entire order, not just one item.
  • Average Order Value: Average order value from customers who found you via this specific search term
  • Listings: Number of different items from your store appearing in the search results for each individual term.

How to filter your results

You can tailor what data is displayed by clicking on “Filter data” and selecting or deselecting columns as needed.

How to sort your results

Click on a column title to sort its contents. One click sorts from largest to smallest (or A-Z), while two clicks reverse the order.

How to view details about your listings

To delve into specifics about your listings, click on the number under “Listings”. This reveals details like impressions, position, visits, conversion rate, and revenues associated with each listing. You’ll also see tags and part of the listing title that matches it to relevant searches.

Comparing Search Analytics and Stats Page

Etsy recently updated how it calculates data regarding searches. As such, discrepancies may arise between values shown in Search Analytics and those displayed on your Stats page.

4 Effective Strategies to Improve SEO and Boost Traffic on Etsy

As an Etsy seller, leveraging Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing your shop’s visibility and attracting more customers. Here are four strategies to enhance your SEO game and drive more traffic to your store.

Etsy’s Guide to Improving SEO and Increasing Shop Traffic

1. Emphasize High-Quality Content

Search engines prioritize unique content when determining a webpage’s relevance to match search queries. As an Etsy seller, focus on these critical content components:

  • Craft strong product titles: Incorporate relevant keywords that potential customers would use when searching for items similar to yours. Make sure each product title is distinct if you sell similar products.
  • Expand item descriptions: Use less common terms in addition to the obvious ones while describing shop items.
  • Fill out your About page: Provide information about your shop so search engines can understand what you offer.

2. Utilize Links Effectively

Links play a significant role in determining search engine ranking order; thus, they are crucial for SEO. To draw in valuable links:

  • Promote your Etsy shop/listings on your blog without overdoing it.
  • Request editors of blogs featuring your items to include a link if one isn’t already provided.
  • Implement internal linking between listings on your site.
  • Network with sites seeking content or guest blog posts and volunteer to share yours.

Avoid buying links or using spammy techniques like third-party forum postings or directory listings as search engines can detect such practices.

3. Capitalize on Social Media Platforms

Leverage social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+ not only for networking but also for showcasing listings and engaging with customers. Yahoo and Bing heavily rely on social signals as ranking factors; hence promoting yourself through these platforms may result in higher rankings.

4. Exercise Patience and Avoid Over-Tweaking

SEO takes time to show results; thus, patience is key. While search engines prefer fresh content, it doesn’t mean you should constantly tweak your pages. Maintain reasonably static pages and reuse them when possible. Avoid stressing about Google’s PageRank value as it’s now an outdated metric.

Explore additional resources to learn more about SEO:

Wrapping Up:

In conclusion, Etsy’s Search Analytics is a potent tool that can revolutionize the way you approach selling on this platform. By offering invaluable insights into search trends, customer behavior, and listing performance, it allows sellers to make data-driven decisions to optimize their shop. Whether you’re a newcomer or an established seller, understanding and leveraging Search Analytics can significantly enhance your visibility on Etsy. It helps identify effective keywords, and improve click-through rates and conversion rates while also allowing for performance tracking over time. Remember, success on Etsy doesn’t happen overnight but with consistent effort, analytics-based strategy refinement and attention to detail in crafting your listings— your shop can reach new heights of success.


Comprehensive Guide to Using Etsy's Search Analytics
What is Etsy's Search Analytics tool and how can it help my shop?
Etsy's Search Analytics is a powerful tool that provides insights into how potential buyers discover your shop through search on It outlines which search queries are driving traffic to your shop and how many sales arise from these searches, helping you understand buyer behavior and adjust your strategy accordingly.
How does the 'Sales Drivers' section in Etsy's Search Analytics help me?
The 'Sales Drivers' section of Etsy's Search Analytics offers data about key factors influencing your sales such as the number of visits to your shop, sales conversion rate, average order value, and total earnings within a chosen timeframe. If your shop has been active for at least one year, you can also compare current data with the same timeframe from last year.
What kind of data can I expect from analyzing search queries leading to my listings in Etsy’s Search Analytics?
This feature allows you to see specific search queries leading people to your listings along with relevant data such as impressions (how often shoppers saw your listing), position (average ranking of listings), visits (total browse sessions), orders and revenue generated from each query.
How do I filter or sort results in Etsy’s Search Analytics?
To filter results, click on 'Filter Data' and select or deselect column names according to your needs. To sort, click on any column title once for sorting largest to smallest/A-Z or twice for sorting smallest to largest/Z-A.
Why might there be differences between values in Search Analytics compared to those on my Stats page?
The method of calculating search-related data has been updated by Etsy, which might cause discrepancies between the values in Search Analytics and those on your Stats page. You can refer to Etsy's help article to understand these changes better.