Using Square on Etsy

Learn the seamless process of linking Square to your Etsy shop. Sell anywhere confidently while keeping online and offline inventories in sync.

Etsy sellers are known for their creative and entrepreneurial spirit, which often involves selling in various settings, from online shops to local craft fairs. To facilitate a seamless sales experience across different venues, integrating Square with your Etsy shop could be an invaluable move. Here’s how to bring the power of in-person payment processing and synchronized inventory management into your Etsy business.

Get Started with Square for In-Person Sales

Embracing the versatility of in-person sales means you can interact directly with customers at events or pop-ups while maintaining an organized overview of your stock. Setting up a connection between your Etsy shop and Square is straightforward and can expand the reach of your business.

Setting up a Square account is free, with sales fees being processed by Square on a by-transaction basis. Sellers in the US, UK, Canada, or Australia can sign up for Square and link it to their Etsy shop and inventory.

How to Connect Your Etsy Shop to Square

  1. Visit Shop Manager on Etsy and navigate to Sales Channels.
  2. Select Sell in Person to initiate the integration process.
  3. Create a new Square account or link an existing one to synchronize with your Etsy inventory.

Sync Your Listings With Ease

Once you’ve established your account, syncing listings between Etsy and Square ensures that any sale made offline will reflect automatically in your online inventory—keeping everything consistent.

Steps To Synchronize Your Inventory:

  1. Access the Square Sales Channel page from within your Shop Manager.
  2. Click on Sync your Listings for automatic synchronization.

Alternatively, this function is available directly through the Listings page by clicking on Sync to Square.

After synchronization, all physical items will be ready for sale via the easy-to-use Square Point of Sale (POS) App found on both iOS App Store and Google Play store—making it easier than ever to sell anywhere at any time.

Please note that only physical item listings are compatible with Square integration; digital item sellers will encounter a syncing error message due to compatibility restrictions.

Updating Your Shop Location on Square

Should there be changes in where you conduct your face-to-face sales, updating your shop’s location on Square is an easy process:

Steps to Update Your Location:

  1. Visit the Square Sales Channel page within your Etsy Shop Manager.
  2. Look for Choose your location and click it.
  3. From here, select the new location you wish to associate with your Etsy account.

Disconnecting from Square

If at any point you need to switch between different Square accounts associated with your Etsy shop—whether due to business restructuring or simply changing payment processors—disconnecting from Square is straightforward:

How to Sever the Connection:

  1. Navigate again to the Square Sales Channel page.
  2. Click on disconnect my shop from Square.

By following these steps, you can easily manage how and where you sell through Etsy and ensure seamless operations across all selling platforms.

Understanding Square Fees for Etsy Sellers

Navigating the costs associated with selling can be one of the trickier aspects of running an Etsy shop, especially when integrating with external services like Square. For sellers using Square to manage in-person transactions, it’s crucial to understand how fees are structured so that you can price your items effectively and maintain profitability.

How Etsy Charges for Square Sales

Etsy aims to make fee structures straightforward when it comes to synced inventory sales through Square:

  • There is no additional fee from Etsy for items sold through synced inventory via Square.
  • Each item sold will have a standard $0.20 auto-renewal listing fee, similar to online sales on the Etsy platform.

However, if you sell an item in person using Square that is not synced with your Etsy listings:

  • Etsy will charge a $0.20 USD manual transaction fee per sale.
  • This appears on your monthly Etsy bill as a ‘Square manual’ fee.

Processing Fees by Square

Separate from any charges by Etsy, Square will impose its own processing fees which may vary depending on the nature of each transaction. For details on these fees, explore Square’s Fees and Payments FAQs for comprehensive information about their billing practices.

Square’s Fees and Payments FAQs

Need Assistance with Square?

Whether you’re encountering technical issues or simply seeking best practices for in-person sales, support is readily available:

Getting Support From Square

For direct assistance regarding your use of Square:

Take Note: At present, sellers based in US territories (including Puerto Rico and Guam) cannot utilize this integration—direct queries about geographical availability should be made straight to Square’s support team.

Square Support

Enhance Your In-Person Sales Skills

Let’s dive into how you can offer unparalleled customer service that not only complements but enhances your use of technological tools like Square.To refine your approach to customer service during face-to-face interactions:

1. Keep Your Booth Tidy

Your booth’s appearance is the silent ambassador of your brand. A clean and organized space invites customers to browse with ease, ensuring they have clear visibility over prices and product variations. This meticulous attention to detail mirrors the care you invest in each item you create—and it matters.

2. Streamline Purchases to Cut Down on Lines

One key advantage of integrating Square is its efficiency at checkout. Utilize the intuitive Square POS app available for iOS and Android to expedite transactions, minimizing wait times that could deter potential buyers. For high-traffic events, consider enlisting a helper equipped with an additional device and reader so multiple transactions can occur simultaneously. With employee logins within your Square account, managing these processes becomes smoother—reflecting a professional operation ready to handle any sales volume.

3. Foster Engagement Through Feedback

Feedback is invaluable; it fuels improvement and demonstrates that you value customer opinions. Digital receipts sent through Square provide an effortless avenue for shoppers to share their experiences via simple emoticons or detailed comments—all accessible through your Square Dashboard. This feedback isn’t just data; it’s an opportunity for personal connection and growth.

4. Encourage Repeat Business

Events grant exposure to new audiences—potential loyal customers waiting to be captivated by your work. After providing swift transactions via Square, direct their attention towards where they can find more of your products in the future. Display signage or business cards promoting your website or Etsy shop URL, ensuring that it’s highly visible and easily accessible. Engage in conversation and inform customers about your online presence and upcoming events where they can find you. This isn’t just a transaction; it’s an invitation to join your brand’s community.

5. Utilize Square’s Digital Receipts for Ongoing Engagement

With Square’s digital receipt feature, you aren’t just offering customers a record of their purchase; you’re opening the door to ongoing engagement. Encourage them to opt-in for receipts sent via text or email, which not only serves as a reminder of your brand but also includes options for them to provide immediate feedback—a powerful tool for building customer relationships and trust.


In conclusion, seamlessly integrating Square with your Etsy shop opens up a world of possibilities for expanding your business and connecting with customers both online and offline. By understanding how to set up and manage your Square location, you ensure that every sale—whether made at a local craft fair or through your online shop—contributes to the growth of your brand.

Embracing the power of Square’s point-of-sale system means not only can you make sales anywhere but also keep track of inventory in real-time, all while benefiting from the cohesive integration with Etsy’s platform. Remember, fees are straightforward, with no hidden costs when syncing items, keeping financial surprises at bay.


How to Integrate Square with Your Etsy Shop for In-Person Sales
Can I use Square to process in-person payments for my Etsy shop?
Yes, Etsy shop owners based in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia can use Square to process in-person payments. By integrating Square with your Etsy shop, you can manage both online and offline sales efficiently, keeping inventory counts synchronized.
Does syncing my Etsy inventory with Square incur extra fees from Etsy?
No, there are no additional fees from Etsy for items sold through Square when they are synced with your online listings. The usual $0.20 auto-renewal listing fee applies as it would for sales made directly through the Etsy platform.
What happens if I sell an item through Square that isn't listed on my Etsy shop?
If you sell an item in person using Square that is not synced with your Etsy inventory, a 'Square manual' fee of $0.20 USD per transaction will be charged by Etsy and reflected on your monthly bill.
Are there processing fees associated with using Square for my in-person sales at craft fairs or markets?
Yes, while there are no extra fees from Etsy for syncing items sold through Square, Square itself does charge processing fees that vary depending on the sale type and location.
Is it possible to change the location associated with my in-person sales on Square if I move or sell at multiple venues?
Yes, you can update your business location settings within your account dashboard on Square at any time. This helps ensure that all sales data is accurately reflected and associated with the correct physical location.