What to do if you receive a notice of copyright infringement on Etsy

Discover how you can protect your listings by understanding and properly responding to intellectual property infringements according to Etsy's policies

As an Etsy seller, receiving a notice of intellectual property infringement can be daunting. Alura understands this and is here to guide you through the process. Ensuring that your shop adheres to Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your online store.

Comprehending Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy

Etsy intellectual property policy

The Intellectual Property Policy is integral to maintain fairness in the marketplace and respect for original creators’ rights. This policy guides how Etsy handles claims of infringement, how authorized parties report infringements, and what sellers should do if their listings or shops are affected.

Sellers must understand that Etsy serves as a venue but doesn’t hold inventory or manage goods – these responsibilities lie with individual sellers. If any content violates the Terms of Use or infringes upon another’s intellectual property rights, Etsy reserves the right to disable such listings or even accounts.

While engaging with this policy, remember it forms part of Etsy’s Terms of Use, providing guidance on issues like:

  1. Role of Etsy
  2. Reporting Intellectual Property Infringement
  3. Submitting Counter Notices
  4. Dealing with Repeat Infringement
  5. Process for Withdrawals
  6. Resources Available

Note: For guidelines concerning use of Etsy’s Trademarks and brand, refer to Etsy’s Trademark Policy

What To Do if Your Listing Is Removed Due To Alleged IP Infringement?

When a listing gets removed due to an alleged violation of intellectual property rights, you’ll receive an email containing information about who filed the claim against you.

Because decisions on whether listings infringe upon someone else’s intellectual property are outside its purview, Etsy cannot provide legal advice nor represent you in these matters.

Should you have questions regarding why your content was flagged as potentially violating IP rights or how best to resolve the issue at hand, it might be beneficial for you to reach out directly to the party that submitted the report or consult with an attorney specializing in this field.

Never create additional listings related to disputed content until resolution has been achieved with other parties involved; repeated reports could lead into loss of account privileges on Etsy.

Refer back often to our Intellectual Property Policy for more details about handling such disputes on our platform.

Disclaimer: The information provided here serves as guidance and not legal advice; all liability arising from use rests solely upon readers.

Understanding Copyright Infringement Notice Impact

Upon receiving a copyright infringement notice from Etsy, your listing has already been taken down by then - but don’t worry! You can object via a counter-notice which gives 10 days for legal proceedings commencement by claimant against you; failing which reinstatement occurs automatically provided no further notices get received thereafter.

Take note though that reinstatement does not equate non-infringing confirmation; it just means exhaustion occurred within internal processes at Etsy itself only - external legal actions may still ensue regardless!

Always consider seeking professional advice promptly from experienced solicitors specialized in intellectual property matters when notices arrive so as safeguard yourself adequately without jeopardizing current standing inadvertently!

Should You Worry About Copyright Infringement Notice?

Unfortunately some sellers exploit fear factor among fellow peers by issuing takedown requests frivolously either due competitive reasons or extending reach beyond lawful boundaries illicitly in bid stifle competition unnecessarily using questionable claims without intends taking matters into court eventually rendering filing counter-notices effective deterrents usually ending matters swiftly enough most times over!

However never take chances lightly when dealing with potential copyright infringements - always consult professional lawyers having solid experience dealing cases involving online marketplaces like ours whenever notices arrive so as fully comprehend law applicability while keeping oneself safe from possible litigations down road ahead!


How to Handle Intellectual Property Infringement Notices on Etsy - Alura Guide
What happens when I receive a notice of intellectual property infringement on Etsy?
When you receive an intellectual property infringement notice on Etsy, it means that one or more of your listings have been removed due to an alleged violation. You will receive an email with the contact information of the party who filed the claim. It's recommended that you reach out to them directly or seek legal advice for resolution.
How do I respond to an intellectual property infringement notice on Etsy?
If you believe that your listing does not infringe upon any intellectual property rights, you can file a counter-notice through Etsy. This gives the claimant days to commence legal action against you. If they don't, your listing will be reinstated.
Can I repost my listing after receiving an IP infringement notice from Etsy?
You should not create additional listings related to disputed content until the issue has been resolved with other parties involved; repeated reports could lead into loss of account privileges on Etsy.
What is Etsy’s Intellectual Property Policy?
The Intellectual Property Policy is integral to maintain fairness in the marketplace and respect for original creators' rights. This policy guides how Etsy handles claims of infringement, how authorized parties report infringements, and what sellers should do if their listings or shops are affected.
Who can I contact if my listing was removed due to alleged IP infringement?
If your listing was removed because of alleged intellectual property infringement, you should reach out directly to whoever reported it (their contact information would be provided in the email notification from Etsy). Alternatively, consider seeking professional advice from experienced solicitors specialized in intellectual property matters.