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How to use Shop Analyzer

Learn how to use Shop Analyzer

Alura Shop Analyzer

A competitive analysis is a way to identify competing Etsy shops and learn your competitor's strengths and weaknesses in relation to yours. It helps you gauge how to differentiate yourself and refine your strategy.

Conducting a shop analysis can help you:

  • learn what your existing and potential customers are buying and to what price
  • learn what you could and should improve
  • learn what works for your competitors
  • learn how to expand into a new market.

The powerful Shop Analyzer tool will redefine your view of product and shop research. It has never been this simple or fun to learn from successful Etsy businesses. Use this advantage to learn from the best-selling shops and make more informed decisions when improving or creating your shop or listings.

How to use Shop Analyzer

Step one for using Shop Analyzer is to perform a search. Enter the shop name or URL you're interested in learning more about and hit the search button:

Alura Shop Analyzer - Search

This will take you to the shop report page, which has three sections:

  1. Overview
  2. Analytics
  3. About


The overview tab contains information about the shop and listing performance. This page is divided into the following sections:

  • Shop performance metrics
  • Featured products
  • Shop stats
  • Shop listings
Alura Shop Analyzer

Shop performance metrics

The first thing you'll see is the performance metrics:

  • Sales - number of sales for the shop
  • Revenue - estimated revenue for the shop. Note: the revenue estimate is based on the least expensive listing variation, which means that for shops with multiple SKUs with different prices, the estimate is lower than the real revenue number.
  • Views - the shop’s total views based on all currently active listings.

You can filter these metrics by all time, yearly and monthly by changing the time filter.

Featured products

The featured products section lists a shop's featured products and gives you a quick understanding of what type of products a shop is selling. You can inspect a listing further by clicking the inspect button.

Shop stats

The shops' stats section includes:

  • Conversion rate - the estimated conversion rate for this shop
  • Reviews - total number of reviews and the review rating
  • Listings - total number of active listings for the shop
  • Sales per listing - the average number of sales per listing
  • Admirers - number of admirers for the shop
  • On Etsy Since - the exact date the Etsy shop was created

Shop listings

The last section of the page is the shop listings. This includes all listings for the shop and here you'll be able to see individual listings metrics. Clicking on a listing opens the sidebar which contains a more detailed view of the listing:

Alura Shop Analyzer - Shop Listings

Here you'll be able to see specific details for this listing, including:

  • Listing title, image, and Etsy link
  • Sales: estimate monthly and lifetime sales. Learn more about our estimates here.
  • Revenue: estimated monthly and lifetime revenue.
  • Price: listing price
  • Views: total number of lifetime views
  • Favorites: total number of favorites
  • Age: number of days the listing has been available
  • Item type: handmade, vintage, craft supply, digital and customizable item
  • Tags: the listing's tags


The analytics tab contains more granular data about the shop's performance and strategy. It is divided into the following sections:

  • Best selling products
  • Sales distribution
  • Tag frequency
  • Price breakdown
  • Creation details & more
  • Listing categories
Alura Shop Analyzer - Analytics

Best selling products & sales distribution

The best-selling products section enables you to easily see how sales are distributed. The Pareto principle states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the cause. This can often be seen on Etsy as well. Where 20% of listings lead to 80% of sales.

When analyzing a shop this can be useful. It hints at how centralized a shop's sales are, whether they come from a limited number of listings or from a wide variety of listings.

Alura Shop Analyzer - Best selling products

Tag Frequency

The tag frequency section shows all tags being used for a listing, and metrics associated with that tag:

  • Avg. sales: average number of sales for all listings that contain the tag
  • Listings: total number of listings that has the tag
  • Popularity: the percentage of total listings with the tag
Alura Shop Analyzer - Tag Frequency

Price breakdown

The price section helps you easily identify a shop's pricing strategy. It enables you to see the:

  • Avg. price: the average price for the shop
  • Most expensive: the most expensive listing found in the shop
  • Least expensive: the least expensive listing found in the shop

In addition, it shows you the price distribution in a histogram:

Alura Shop Analyzer - Price breakdown

It allows you to see how the shop's items are priced, and how many items a priced in a given price range.

Note: Because of limitations on Etsy's API we are only able to extract data on the least expensive listing variation. This means that if a shop has listings with differently priced SKUS, we only calculate the value for the least expensive variation.

Creation details & more

The creation details looks closer at the shop's strategy and identifies who made the items and when they were made.

Alura Shop Analyzer - Creation details
  • Avg. processing time: The average processing time for all listings. Processing time is the length of time the shop needs to get an order ready to ship or the length of time between when an order is placed until it is shipped.
  • Customizable listings: Percentage of listings that are customizable, or personalized.
  • Digital listings: Percentage of listings that are digital.
  • Supply items: Percentage of listings that are supply items. Craft supplies are tools, ingredients, or materials whose primary purpose is for the creation of an item or special occasion.

Listing categories

The listing categories section breaks down what categories are the most popular for the shop. It enables you to quickly see what categories more shop items are listed in, and metrics associated with that category:

Alura Shop Analyzer - Listing categories


The About tab contains general information about the shop and seller. It contains the following sections:

  • Shop Owner
  • Shop About
  • Shop Details
  • Shop Policy

Shop owner & Shop About

The shop owner about section provides details on the owner and shop:

Alura - Shop owner and about

These are normally details you would find on Etsy as well, but made easily accessible here.

Shop details & policy

The shop details section contains both publish and hidden Etsy shop data:

  • Announcement: Most recent Etsy announcement
  • Message to Buyers: The message included on receipt pages and in the email buyers receive when they purchase from the shop.
  • Digital Message to Buyers: If the shop sells digital items, this is the message on the Downloads page for digital orders. It applies to all digital listings purchased from the shop.
Alura - Shop details

Furthermore, you can see the shop's policies some of which are explained in more details here:

  • Privacy policy: the sellers' privacy policy
  • Free delivery guarantee: If a shop has enabled free delivery guarantee or not. A free delivery guarantee lets shoppers in the US know that they won’t pay added postage costs on orders totaling 35 USD or over that are delivered within or to the US. This policy provides priority placement in US searches.

That's it for this feature explainer. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!

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