How FunkyPinkFlamingo got started
Introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy, and how do you create your products?
Hi, my name is Sue, and I'm the founder and owner of FunkyPinkFlaming. I design and handmake fabric-based gifts. Having retired from my job as a Special Needs Teaching Assistant in a primary school to take on child care for my young grandson, I decided that I needed a hobby to keep myself active. At that point, I had never really sewn anything. I started by borrowing a friend's sewing machine, and with the help of YouTube, I taught myself to make a simple makeup bag. I discovered a passion for sewing, and after many hours of trial and error, I finally opened up my shop on Etsy in 2018. Deciding what to make and sell has been trial and error, and some items that I thought would sell well haven't, but it has been an evolving process and I'm still learning.
Every item in my shop is handmade by me. My fabric is sourced mainly from small online fabric companies. I am also passionate about trying to reuse old pre-owned fabrics and trying hard to keep waste to a minimum. The environment and sustainability are important to me, so when dispatching items, I try to keep the packaging to the bare minimum.
Favorite items
What are your favorite items? What makes these so special? Why do you think these items might be selling well?
I love all the items that I make; however, I do have a few favorites in my shop that sell well. My wet swimwear bags are a good seller and relatively easy to make. They come in a variety of colors and all have the word "swim" on them. Another favorite is the children's zipped bags; these come in a wide range of different fabrics and are best sellers.
Getting sales on Etsy
How long did it take for you to earn your first sale and how do you currently attract customers to your Etsy shop?
It took me a few weeks to make my first sale, and it was to a relative. In the beginning, it was slow progress, and I most certainly didn't make much profit. I still have months where sales are slow; however, I don't pay for advertising, so all my sales come from previous customers or from searches on Etsy itself.
Managing FunkyPinkFlamingo
How do you manage your shop? Are you running solo or do you have any team members? What tools or services do you use to run your shop and how do you handle fulfillment?
I run and manage my store myself. I don't use any tools or apps to help me other than those provided by Etsy. All shipping is handled by Royal Mail, mostly using Etsy postal labels.
The future of FunkyPinkFlamingo
What goals do you have for your shop in the future?
As I run my shop mainly as a hobby, I don't want it to grow too big, so my goals for the future are really to continue to provide high-quality handmade items that my customers will enjoy, whether they are buying them as a gift for someone or as a treat for themselves.
Advice for new sellers
What’s your advice for a new seller starting an Etsy shop?
I think the only advice I can give is to really love what you make or sell, don’t expect sales to happen quickly, don't give up, and always focus on providing the best possible service to your customers.