How little dear got started

Introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy, and how do you create your products?

I started selling on Etsy in 2006, making one-of-a-kind plush toys, original hand embroideries, and mini clay figures. It was a fun hobby at the time, I was working full-time as a graphic designer. I basically just liked to make things and started selling whatever I felt like making! 

My embroidery was discovered online by a book publisher, and my first Doodle Stitching book came out in 2007. After that, I began selling digital embroidery and sewing patterns in my shop as well, but continued to focus on one-of-a-kind, handmade items. This was always a profitable part-time business for me, but as time went on, I left my office job and was ready to grow beyond that. Continually making new one of a kind items was fun, but keeping up with it was not sustainable for me and the goals I had. 

So, I decided to refocus my shop on my original patterns and kits. I took some online Etsy training, which was extremely helpful, even though I’d been selling for several years, I learned a ton of things I had never thought about before. I used what I learned, revised all my listings, took tons of new photos, and evolved my shop into what it is today. It was 200% worth all the work and time it took. My Etsy shop grew enormously over the next few years and is continuing to grow beyond what I had ever imagined for it!

Favorite items

What are your favorite items? What makes these so special? Why do you think these items might be selling well?

Some of my favorite items are my ABC and Numbers patterns and samplers, Rainbow sampler, Sloth pattern and Woodland animals patterns, and my world-famous Stitch Sampler, which by far, has out sold anything else in my shop! I think my designs are unique and appeal to beginners and experienced stitchers alike. My patterns are mostly nature inspired and create a cozy, relaxing space to sit and make something wonderful. My Stitch Samplers and Kits are favorites because they are perfect for anyone new to embroidery and also make handy stitch reference guides. So many of my customers have learned embroidery with it and come back for more designs!

ABC and Numbers Patterns and Samplers
Rainbow Sampler
Sloth Pattern
Woodland Animals Patterns
Stitch Sampler

Getting sales on Etsy

How long did it take for you to earn your first sale and how do you currently attract customers to your Etsy shop?  

I think it was pretty soon after I started that I made my first sale. Etsy was a lot different back then, it was new and smaller and it was much easier to be discovered by shoppers and crafters there. I was involved in some online crafting groups when I started my shop, so I did a lot of cross promotion through those, as well as Pinterest. Now, I have a large newsletter following and I post regularly on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. I also have a Patreon with monthly subscription patterns and samplers.

Managing little dear

How do you manage your shop? Are you running solo or do you have any team members? What tools or services do you use to run your shop and how do you handle fulfillment?

It is only me, I do it all from designing patterns and products, to shipping and mailing, and everything in between. I only use the Etsy website and app. I find their system to be very user-friendly. I have learned to be very efficient in everything I do and am lucky to be able to do it all without having to hire anyone else.

The future of little dear

What goals do you have for your shop in the future?

Just continue to grow and reach new enthusiastic, creative people who love to make things! I’m about to launch my own, personal website with my own shop and all my tutorials, which I’m very excited about, but I don’t see it completely replacing my Etsy shop. My goal is to keep growing in all directions.

Advice for new sellers

What’s your advice for a new seller starting an Etsy shop?

Etsy is a lot different today than when I started, I know it can be challenging just starting out to find your space there. I think it’s important to decide what your goals for your shop are up front. Make clear plans to reach them, learn as much as you can and keep driving towards them. 

My customer base has grown gradually over the years since I started. It's so important to connect with your customers directly as you attract them and build a list outside of Etsy! Definitely, invite everyone who purchases from you to join your newsletter list and start direct email marketing as soon as you can.

If you can offer free tutorials, patterns, ideas or projects, that is a great way to get people interested in your work.

Social media can be great, but don’t put all your stock in it and don’t feel like you have to do all of them at once! Try different avenues and see what best works for you, where you feel like you can connect with people easiest.