How Sorcere got started

Introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy, and how do you create your products?

Sorcere is an alternative apparel, accessories, and lifestyle store. Wicked Culture for the Modern Witch and Urban Fiend! We specialize in creating everyday items and clothing with a dark twist. I began Sorcery as an outlet for my insatiable creativity. I’ve been in the design industry for many years, working behind the scenes for large corporations and celebrities worldwide. Sorcery was something that I could call my own and use to create anything that I desired. I opted to sell on Etsy to get a store established. to be able to see what effect it had on a large and varied community. That first sale is an amazing feeling, and I definitely did a happy dance! After the first, there were many more! I feel incredibly lucky for my designs to have been received so well.

Over the years, I've tried a variety of methods for sourcing and creating my designs. Trial and error were definitely huge parts of the process. I started by approaching manufacturers globally with my designs and getting everything made in bulk and sourcing materials through them before I realized how wasteful the whole process is—so much packaging and plastic. I’m environmentally minded and wanted something more sustainable for Sorcere. I now work in tandem with printers and manufacturers who help hand-make my products on demand—whenever a person orders from my store, that’s when the product goes into production. It’s more expensive for me and more time-consuming, but it is a much better process environmentally as it cuts out so much unnecessary waste while also being handmade, which creates a unique product for every order.

Favorite items

What are your favorite items? What makes these so special? Why do you think these items might be selling well?

My favorite item listed is always the most recent item drop in the store. As I’m constantly learning and applying new techniques to my designs, the latest design always reflects that. However, if I had to choose one, I'd go with the Sorcere shoe line. I’m definitely a shoe girl, and I’ve been so excited to launch this line. I plan on adding many more products to this line, as it has been received incredibly well and is definitely becoming a top seller in my store. I think shoes are popular because no matter what you are wearing that day, they can set off a whole vibe for an outfit. They are definitely a "need" item in design.

Enchanted | Boots - Magical Nightsky and Rose Design Combat Boots
Arachne | Boots - Gothic Spiderweb Vegan Leather Combat Boots

Getting sales on Etsy

How long did it take for you to earn your first sale and how do you currently attract customers to your Etsy shop?

It’s been a few years since my first sale, but I know that I posted my store everywhere that I could. every social site that I was on—Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Reddit—as well as printing business cards and handing them out to every person I met on the street. I would also approach larger influencers and send them some of my products at the time to get Sorcere’s name out there.

I have attracted a following now on my socials, so I post as regularly as I can to attract more people, as well as using ads on both Etsy and my socials at prime times throughout the year, usually around major holidays.

Managing Sorcere

How do you manage your shop? Are you running solo or do you have any team members? What tools or services do you use to run your shop and how do you handle fulfillment?

Shop management is primarily my prerogative. I manage everything from customer service to the ins and outs of shop development, as well as being the designer. However, my store is a family-operated one, and my husband and extended family help with the technical side of things as well as product development. As we continue to grow, I would love to build a little community of designers and a team to help in the running of Sorcere, which is my long-term goal.

Apps that help you understand and complete SEO, marketing, and accounting tasks are a must. Etsy now integrates with lots of apps that help with this. Much of my traffic comes from Pinterest, so I definitely use the app for that. Anything that can make your life easier as a busy shop operator is worth it.

The future of Sorcere

What goals do you have for your shop in the future?

Sorcere’s continual growth is always my priority, and we are currently looking to start a stockist network of stores that will sell our designs. Our long-term goals are to have Sorcere available at large alternative retailers globally.

Advice for new sellers

What’s your advice for a new seller starting an Etsy shop?

My advice for new sellers is to make sure that you are passionate about what you are making and selling. Motivation comes from one's passion. Managing and creating your store is not an easy process; it takes a lot of dedication and a bit of risk-taking. You will be working the job of multiple people, so it is important to have down time when you can to keep from being burned out. Love what you do, and your passion will show through in the product. That’s what selling on Etsy is all about, and people love to buy from this platform.